Forgive the immodest dress, lol, but this was me back in 1992. Hence, the big hairdo, white nylons, pumps, peach and teal decor. Today, my husband and I are going to take the day off to celebrate 16 yrs of marriage. He always tells everyone that we've been married longer than we have, because he counts the 'dating' years as well (19 yrs. in Dec.). It is hard to believe that I have been with this man for half of my life, and yet at times it seems as If we are still barely getting to know each other. I guess that happens as you grow and mature; your thoughts, actions, and hopefully behaviors change. I love my husband very much. He is patient, strong, confident, caring, compassionate, wise, reliable, honest, and he has a great personality. He works very hard to make sure his family is comfortable, safe, and secure. He is a man of great character. I thank God daily for what he has done for us, and I cannot wait to see what's in store. So, here's to another 16 yrs., babe, I love you.
Happy Anniversary !!!!!!
God bless you on your happy day.
Love Liz
Happy Anniversay! I'm so glad God so fit to bring you two together. What a blessing your testimony is and continues to be. God Bless you with many more anniversaries. Have a great day out celebrating!
Love you guys ~ Mindy
Happy Happy Anniversery. It is hard work to stay in love! Your words encourage me it gets better and better.. Thank God!! lol JK What a blessing to see what awesome things God has done with your marrige and is still going to do. Love you Sis Tena, Sis Noel
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