Okay, I am not sure what happened, but as I was typing in a title for my post below, my computer went nuts and published the post before I instructed it to! Anyways, I was going to name the post & say thank you to my friend Liz for the email.
I cannot believe it has been two months since my last blog. When I started this, I told myself I was not going to go months and months without posting like some people...ehmmnn (clears throat), but obviously, I have not taken heed to my own advise which is to NEVER say "Oh I would never do that."
So, I will try to sum up two months for you. In May we had Mother's Day, which was great. I received cute cards from the children and two outfits from my husband (which I picked out for myself). In June, Marcus started his first summer job working for Valenti Farms selling cherries. I am so proud of him. He gets up on time, early, and works a full day with no complaints. His motivation of course is pay day! On June 6th, we started our first street service at the park, which we plan on doing every other Friday during the summer months. It was awesome and we are so excited to see God work with the youth in this new venture. The HPC youth are THE BEST! We have such a great group of young people. They love God, they're sincere, friendly, fun and funny, to list a few adjectives. I celebrated my birthday! 37..is not really so bad..Is it? When am I supposed to start feeling old? I went roller skating with the youth weekend before last & had a blast, even if I am an old school skater and I did not even suffer for it until 3 days later (this is when I noticed my gluteos maximus was not quite right).
Okay, so this bought sums it up..I hope all of my blogger friends will be satisfied and I will endeavor to try my most best to post more often. Until then..
First, I'm so glad to see you blogging again.
Second, that's so funny you posted the wrong age! LOL! I forget how old I am, but somehow can remember how old Rod is, so then I just subtract 7 and I've got my age.
Third, ditto ~ we have the best youth ever!
Love you much,
Hmmm you weren't talking about me in regards to bugging you about blogging were you? LOL Love Ya and Amen to everything.
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