Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hello Blog World

I have decided to join the masses and become a blogger myself. For a while now I have enjoyed visiting my friend's blogs and figured I'd give it a try. I have always enjoyed writing and hope to fill these pages with daily thoughts, fun and encouraging stories, and maybe even a thing or two about my family. So here we go;

This past week I had the privilege to go to Bakersfield along with 15 of our kids from our youth group. We went there to attend an annual four day youth conference. There we joined approximately 4,000 other young people from all across California ages ranging from 12-25ish. I know some of you might be aghast that I would consider this a privilege, but I do. I witnessed first hand young people full of exuberance and a love for God that others have said no longer exists in our youth of today. Our youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but of today as well. We have some of the most talented, outgoing youth that I have ever seen. They are honest, full of desire, intelligent, sensitive, and extremely hungry for change, and for more of God and his glory. They are tired of church as usual. Do not get me wrong they are NOT tired of our gospel message in Acts 2:38, nor are they tired of Holiness, Revival, Heaven, and Soul Wining. They are just tired of the same ol same ol. If allowed, they can help us break out of the box and expand our territories.

I am pleased to report that I attend a church that understands the value of our youth, and it is because of this that our youth are provided opportunities to teach, preach, minister in music, and to outreach in our communities. They are not shoved in a box and asked to conform, but are allowed to grow and become everything God wants them to be for HIS Kingdom and Glory.

I am truly excited to be apart of God's Kingdom in these last days and even more excited about seeing destiny fulfilled in young people’s lives as they allow God to move into their heart and become their everything.


Anonymous said...

Welcome fellow blogger. Looking forward to reading more of crickets random thoughts. Lord Bless.

Mindy said...

Yea Tina! Loved your post. Looking forward to many more.

You and your husband are doing a GREAT job with the young people can't wait to see what God is going to do next!

Love ya ~ Mindy

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Tina, to Blog World! I am so glad you have joined us. :)

I like your blog layout. I love the photo. It gives the perfect example of what your family is - loving, caring, nurturing, and connected.

I agree with Mindy that you and Kirk are doing a GREAT job with the youth at our church! My family is relieved that you two accepted this position, for we know it is God's will.

We appreciate the burden, compassion, and love you two have for these young people and your reward will be great in heaven when you get there. (I'm crying as I write this - I'm feeling this so strong).

I'm glad you "survived" Youth Convention! :D I knew you would!

The youth love you two and your kids so much and they are very, very happy that you are their leaders.

I didn't intend on writing so much here, but, this is how I feel, so...

Much love, support, and daily prayers,
Your friend,

iluv2prshim said...

Hi Tina,
Glad you joined all of us in blog-world.
I look forward to many more great posts.
I hope you are completely rested from Youth Convention. I always enjoyed going but always came home refreshed in spirit and exhausted in body. :)